9.2: Tests for Convergence (2024)

There are many ways to determine if a sequence converges—two are listed below. In all cases changing or removing a finite number of terms in a sequence does not affect its convergence or divergence:

The Comparison Test makes sense intuitively, since something larger than a quantity going to infinity must also go to infinity. The Monotone Bounded Test can be understood by thinking of a bound on a sequence as a wall that the sequence can never pass, as in Figure [fig:mbtest]. The increasing sequence \(\seq{a_n}\) in the figure moves toward \(M\) but can never pass it. The sequence thus cannot diverge to \(\infty\), and it cannot fluctuate back and forth since it always increases. Thus it must converge somewhere before or at \(M\).4 Notice that the Monotone Bounded Test tells you only that the sequence converges, not what it converges to.

Show that the sequence \(\seq{a_n}_{n=1}^{\infty}\) defined for \(n\ge 1\) by

\[a_n ~=~ \frac{1 \,\cdot\, 3 \,\cdot\, 5 \,\cdots\, (2n-1)} {2 \,\cdot\, 4 \,\cdot\, 6 \,\cdots\, (2n)} \nonumber \]

is convergent.

Solution: Notice that \(\seq{a_n}\) is always decreasing, since

\[a_{n+1} ~=~ \frac{1 \,\cdot\, 3 \,\cdot\, 5 \,\cdots\, (2n-1) \,\cdot\, (2n+1)} {2 \,\cdot\, 4 \,\cdot\, 6 \,\cdots\, (2n)\,\cdot\, (2n+2)} ~=~ a_n \,\cdot\, \frac{2n+1}{2n+2} ~<~ a_n \,\cdot\, (1) ~=~ a_n \nonumber \]

for \(n\ge 1\). The sequence is also bounded, since \(0 < a_n\) and

\[a_n ~=~ \frac{1}{2} \,\cdot\, \frac{3}{4} \,\cdot\, \frac{5}{6} \,\cdots\, \frac{2n-1}{2n} ~<~ 1 \quad\text{for $n\ge 1$} \nonumber \]

since each fraction in the above product is less than 1. Thus, by the Monotone Bounded Test the sequence is convergent.
Note that for a decreasing sequence only the lower bound is needed for the Monotone Bounded Test, not the upper bound. Similarly, for an increasing sequence only the upper bound matters.

Some tests for convergence of a series are listed below:

Most of the above tests have fairly short proofs or at least intuitive explanations. For example, the n-th Term Test follows from the definition of convergence of a series: if \(\sum a_n\) converges to a number \(L\) then since each term \(a_n = s_n - s_{n-1}\) is the difference of successive partial sums, taking the limit yields

\[\lim_{n \to \infty} \,a_n ~=~ \lim_{n \to \infty} \,(s_n - s_{n-1}) ~=~ L - L ~=~ 0 \nonumber \]

by definition of the convergence of a series. \(~\checkmark\)
Since the n-th Term Test can never be used to prove convergence of a series, it is often stated in the following logically equivalent manner:

Show that \(~\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \,\dfrac{n}{2n+1} ~=~ \dfrac{1}{3} + \dfrac{2}{5} + \dfrac{3}{7} + \cdots~\) is divergent.

Solution: Since

\[\lim_{n \to \infty} \;\frac{n}{2n+1} ~=~ \frac{1}{2} ~\ne ~ 0 \nonumber \]

then by the n-th Term Test the series diverges.

The Ratio Test takes a bit more effort to prove.5 When the ratio \(R\) in the Ratio Test is larger than 1 then that means the terms in the series do not approach 0, and thus the series diverges by the n-th Term Test. When \(R=1\) the test fails, meaning it is inconclusive—another test would need to be used. When the test shows convergence it does not tell you what the series converges to, merely that it converges.

Determine if \(~\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \,\dfrac{n}{2^n}~\) is convergent.

Solution: For the series general term \(a_n = \frac{n}{2^n}\),

\[R ~=~ \lim_{n \to \infty} \;\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n} ~=~ \lim_{n \to \infty} \;\dfrac{\dfrac{n+1}{2^{n+1}}}{\dfrac{n}{2^n}} ~=~ \lim_{n \to \infty} \;\dfrac{n+1}{2n} ~=~ \frac{1}{2} ~<~ 1 ~, \nonumber \]

so by the Ratio Test the series converges.

Figure [fig:integraltest] shows why the Integral Test works.

In Figure [fig:integraltest](a) the area \(\int_1^{\infty} f(x)\,\dx\) is greater than the total area \(S\) of all the rectangles under the curve. Since each rectangle has height \(a_n\) and width \(1\), then \(S=\sum_2^{\infty} a_n\). Thus, since removing the single term \(a_1\) from the series does not affect the convergence or divergence of the series, the series converges if the improper integral converges, and conversely the integral diverges if the series diverges. Similarly, in Figure [fig:integraltest](b) the area \(\int_1^{\infty} f(x)\,\dx\) is less than the total area \(S=\sum_1^{\infty} a_n\) of all the rectangles, so the integral converges if the series converges, and the series diverges if the integral diverges. Notice how in both graphs the rectangles are either all below the curve or all protrude above the curve due to \(f(x)\) being a decreasing function.

Show that the p-series \(~\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \,\dfrac{1}{n^p}~\) converges for \(p>1\) and diverges for \(p=1\).

\[\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \,\frac{1}{n} ~=~ 1 \;+\; \frac{1}{2} \;+\; \frac{1}{3} \;+\; \frac{1}{4} \;+\; \cdots \nonumber \]

thus diverges even though \(a_n = \frac{1}{n} \rightarrow 0\) (which is hence not a sufficient condition for a series to converge).

Note that this example partly proves the p-series Test. The remaining case (\(p < 1\)) is left as an exercise.

The divergence part of the Comparison Test is clear enough to understand, but for the convergence part with \(0 \le a_n \le b_n\) for all \(n\) larger than some \(N\), ignore the (finite) number of terms before \(a_N\) and \(b_N\). Since \(\sum b_n\) converges then its partial sums must be bounded. The partial sums for \(\sum a_n\) then must also be bounded, since \(0 \le a_n \le b_n\) for \(n > N\). So since \(a_n \ge 0\) means that the partial sums for \(\sum a_n\) are increasing, by the Monotone Bounded Test the partial sums for \(\sum a_n\) must converge, i.e. \(\sum a_n\) is convergent.

Determine if \(~\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \,\dfrac{1}{n^n}~\) is convergent.

Solution: Since \(n^n \ge n^2 > 0\) for \(n > 2\), then

\[0 ~<~ \frac{1}{n^n} ~\le~ \frac{1}{n^2} \nonumber \]

for \(n > 2\). Thus, since \(\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2}\) converges (by the p-series Test with \(p=2>1\), as in Example

Example \(\PageIndex{1}\): pseries

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), the series \(\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^n}\) converges by the Comparison Test.

For the Limit Comparison Test with \(\frac{a_n}{b_n} \rightarrow L < \infty\) and \(L > 0\), by definition of the limit of a sequence, \(\frac{a_n}{b_n}\) can be made arbitrarily close to \(L\). In particular there is an integer \(N\) such that

\[\frac{L}{2} ~<~ \frac{a_n}{b_n} ~<~ \frac{3L}{2} \nonumber \]

for all \(n > N\). Then

\[0 ~<~ a_n ~<~ \frac{3L}{2}\,b_n \quad\text{and $\quad\sum b_n$ converges} \quad\Rightarrow\quad \text{$\sum a_n$ converges} \nonumber \]

by the Comparison test. Likewise,

\[0 ~<~ \frac{L}{2}\,b_n ~<~ a_n \quad\text{and $\quad\sum b_n$ diverges} \quad\Rightarrow\quad \text{$\sum a_n$ diverges} \nonumber \]

by the Comparison Test again. The cases \(L=0\) and \(L=\infty\) are handled similarly.

Determine if \(~\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \,\dfrac{n+3}{n \,\cdot\, 2^n}~\) is convergent.

Solution: Since \(\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{2^n}\) is convergent (as part of a geometric progression) and

\[\lim_{n \to \infty} ~\frac{(n+3)/(n \,\cdot\, 2^n)}{1/2^n} ~=~ \lim_{n \to \infty} ~\frac{n+3}{n} ~=~ 1 \nonumber \]

then by the Limit Comparison Test \(~\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{n+3}{n \,\cdot\, 2^n}\) is convergent..

A series \(\sum a_n\) is telescoping if \(a_n = b_n - b_{n+1}\) for some sequence \(\seq{b_n}\). Assume the series \(\sum a_n\) and sequence \(\seq{b_n}\) both start at \(n=1\). Then the partial sum \(s_n\) for \(\sum a_n\) is

\[s_n ~=~ a_1 \;+\; a_2 \;+\; \cdots \;+\; a_n ~=~ (b_1 - b_2) \;+\; (b_2 - b_3) \;+\; \cdots \;+\; (b_n - b_{n+1}) ~=~ b_1 - b_{n+1} \nonumber \]

for \(n \ge 1\). Thus, since \(b_1\) is a fixed number, \(\lim_{n \to \infty} s_n\) exists if and only if \(\lim_{n \to \infty} b_{n+1}\) exists, i.e. \(\sum a_n\) converges if and only if \(\seq{b_n}\) converges. So if \(b_n \rightarrow L\) then \(s_n \rightarrow b - L\), i.e. \(\sum a_n\) converges to \(L\), which proves the Telescoping Series Test. Note that the number \(b_1\), as the first number in the sequence \(\seq{b_n}\), could be replaced by whatever the first number is, in case the index \(n\) starts at a number different from 1.

Example \(\PageIndex{1}\): telescoping

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Determine if \(~\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \,\dfrac{1}{n\,(n+1)}~\) is convergent. If it converges then can you find its sum?

Solution: For the sequence \(\seq{b_n}\) with \(b_n = \frac{1}{n}\) for \(n \ge 1\), each term in the series can be written as

\[\frac{1}{n\,(n+1)} ~=~ \frac{1}{n} ~-~ \frac{1}{n+1} ~=~ b_n \;-\; b_{n+1} \nonumber \]

Thus, since \(\seq{b_n}\) converges to 0, by the Telescoping Series Test the series also converges, to \(b_1 - 0 = 1\).

Convergent series have the following properties (based on similar properties of limits):


For Exercises 1-5 show that the given sequence \(\seq{a_n}_{n=1}^{\infty}\) is convergent.


\(a_n = \dfrac{2 \,\cdot\, 4 \,\cdot\, 6 \,\cdots\, (2n)} {3 \,\cdot\, 5 \,\cdot\, 7 \,\cdots\, (2n+1)}\vphantom{\dfrac{2^n}{n!}}\)

\(a_n = 1 \,-\, \dfrac{2^n}{n!}\)

\(a_n = \dfrac{2 \,\cdot\, 4 \,\cdot\, 6 \,\cdots\, (2n)} {1 \,\cdot\, 3 \,\cdot\, 5 \,\cdots\, (2n-1)} \;\cdot\; \dfrac{1}{2n+2}\vphantom{\dfrac{2^n}{n!}}\)


\(a_n = \dfrac{1}{n}\,\left(\dfrac{2 \,\cdot\, 4 \,\cdot\, 6 \,\cdots\, (2n)} {1 \,\cdot\, 3 \,\cdot\, 5 \,\cdots\, (2n-1)}\right)^2\)

[exer:wallisinv] \(a_n = \dfrac{1}{2} \,\cdot\, \dfrac{3}{2} \,\cdot\, \dfrac{3}{4} \,\cdot\, \dfrac{5}{4} \,\cdot\, \dfrac{5}{6} \,\cdot\, \dfrac{7}{6} \,\cdots\, \dfrac{2n-1}{2n} \,\cdot\, \dfrac{2n+1}{2n}\vphantom{\left(\dfrac{2n}{2n}\right)^2}\)

For Exercises 6-17 determine whether the given series is convergent. [[1.]]


\(\bigsum{n = 0}{\infty}~ \sin\,\left(\dfrac{n \pi}{2}\right)\)

\(\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{1}{n\,(n + 2)}\)

\(\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{1}{2n}\)

\(\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{n}{(n + 1)\,2^n}\)


\(\bigsum{n = 2}{\infty}~ \dfrac{1}{n\,\sqrt{\ln \,n}}\)

\(\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{n\,!}{(2n)\,!}\)

\(\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{n}{e^n}\)

\(\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{1}{\cosh^2 n}\)


\(\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{n\,!}{2^n}\)

\(\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\)

\(\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{1}{n\,(2n-1)}\)

\(\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{\ln\,(n+1)}{n^2}\)

For Exercises 18-21 determine whether the given series is convergent. If convergent then find its sum. [[1.]]


\(\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{1}{(2n+1)\,(2n+3)}\)

\(\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{1}{(2n + 3)\,(2n + 5)}\)

\(\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{2}{(3n + 1)\,(3n + 4)}\)

\(\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{1}{4n^2 - 1}\)


Continue Example

Example \(\PageIndex{1}\): pseries

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with a proof of the p-series Test for \(p < 1\).

Show that \(\seq{a_n}_{n=1}^{\infty}\) is convergent, where

\[a_n ~=~ \frac{1}{1!} \;+\; \frac{1}{2!} \;+\; \frac{1}{3!} \;+\; \frac{1}{4!} \;+\; \cdots \;+\; \frac{1}{n!} \nonumber \]

for \(n \ge 1\). (Hint: Use the Monotone Bounded test by using a bound on \(\frac{1}{n!}\) for \(n > 2\).)

Consider the series \(~\bigsum{n = 1}{\infty}~ \dfrac{1}{2n-1} ~=~ 1 \;+\; \frac{1}{3} \;+\; \frac{1}{5} \;+\; \frac{1}{7} \;+\; \dotsb ~\).

  1. Show that the series is divergent.
  2. The textbook Applied Mathematics for Physical Chemistry (3rd ed.), J. Barrante, provides the following argument that the above series converges: Since

    \[1 ~+~ \frac{1}{4} ~+~ \frac{1}{9} ~+~ \frac{1}{16} ~+~ \dotsb \quad < \quad 1 ~+~ \frac{1}{3} ~+~ \frac{1}{5} ~+~ \frac{1}{7} ~+~ \dotsb \quad < \quad 1 ~+~ \frac{1}{2} ~+~ \frac{1}{3} ~+~ \frac{1}{4} ~+~ \dotsb \nonumber \]

    where the series on the left converges (by the p-series Test with \(p = 2\)) and the series on the right diverges (by the p-series Test with \(p = 1\)), and since each term in the middle series is between its corresponding terms in the left series and right series, then there must be a p-series for some value \(1 < p < 2\) such that each term in the middle series is less than the corresponding term in that p-series. That is,

    \[1 ~+~ \frac{1}{4} ~+~ \frac{1}{9} ~+~ \frac{1}{16} ~+~ \dotsb \quad < \quad 1 ~+~ \frac{1}{3} ~+~ \frac{1}{5} ~+~ \frac{1}{7} ~+~ \dotsb \quad < \quad 1 ~+~ \frac{1}{2^p} ~+~ \frac{1}{3^p} ~+~ \frac{1}{4^p} ~+~ \dotsb \nonumber \]

    for that value of \(p\) between 1 and 2. But \(p > 1\) for that p-series on the right, so it converges, which means that the middle series converges! Find and explain the flaw in this argument.

Wallis’ formula6 for \(\pi\) is given by the infinite product

\[\frac{\pi}{2} ~=~ \dfrac{2}{1} \,\cdot\, \dfrac{2}{3} \,\cdot\, \dfrac{4}{3} \,\cdot\, \dfrac{4}{5} \,\cdot\, \dfrac{6}{5} \,\cdot\, \dfrac{6}{7} \,\cdots\, \dfrac{2n}{2n-1} \,\cdot\, \dfrac{2n}{2n+1} \,\cdot\, \cdots ~. \nonumber \]

Notice that this is the limit of the reciprocal of the sequence in Exercise [exer:wallisinv]. Write a computer program to approximate the limit using 1 million iterations. How close is your approximation to \(\frac{\pi}{2}\)?

9.2: Tests for Convergence (2024)


What is normal for convergence testing? ›

Results. The results of the test should be noted with NPC and convergence recovery point (CRP), for example, NPC 7cm, CRP 12 cm. The normal NPC is about 6-10 centimeters and the normal CRP is approximately 15 centimeters. If the NPC is more than 10 centimeters, this is a sign of poor convergence.

What are the tests for convergence limits? ›

List of tests
  • Limit of the summand.
  • Ratio test.
  • Root test.
  • Integral test.
  • Direct comparison test.
  • Limit comparison test.
  • Cauchy condensation test.
  • Abel's test.

How many tests are there for convergence? ›

an = 0, then the series converges. |an| diverges. So there are three distinct possibilities for a series: it either converges absolutely, converges conditionally, or diverges.

What is the p value test for convergence? ›

When working with infinite series, you will want to know if they converge or diverge. With p-series, if p > 1, the series will converge, or in other words, the series will add up to a specific numerical value. If 0 < p ≤ 1, the series will diverge, which means that the series won't add up to a specific numerical value.

What is the normal convergence level? ›

Normal convergence amplitudes are 38 prism diopters at near and 14 prism diopters at distance. In general, fusional convergence amplitudes of less than 15 to 20 prism diopters at near are a sign of convergence insufficiency.

What is abnormal convergence? ›

Convergence insufficiency is an eye condition that affects how your eyes work together when you look at nearby objects. This can cause blurry or double vision when you look at things up close, like a book or a smartphone screen.

What are the levels of convergence? ›

Three important aspects of media convergence are technological convergence, economic convergence, and cultural convergence.

What is a limit of convergence? ›

We say that a sequence converges if the sequence has a finite limit . The sequence then has convergence; it converges to the limit , and we describe the sequence as convergent. If a sequence is convergent, then its limit is unique.

Why is convergence test important? ›

The main reason you're learning about infinite series is because later on in your course you will meet power series, which allow you to approximate complicated functions by the simplest functions of all: polynomials. Those convergence tests help you determine where power series make sense.

What is the ratio test for convergence? ›

The ratio test states that: if L < 1 then the series converges absolutely; if L > 1 then the series diverges; if L = 1 or the limit fails to exist, then the test is inconclusive, because there exist both convergent and divergent series that satisfy this case.

What is the limit test for convergence? ›

The Limit Comparison Test

Require that all a[n] and b[n] are positive. If the limit of a[n]/b[n] is positive, then the sum of a[n] converges if and only if the sum of b[n] converges. If the limit of a[n]/b[n] is zero, and the sum of b[n] converges, then the sum of a[n] also converges.

What is a good p test value? ›

A p-value of 0.05 or lower is generally considered statistically significant. P-value can serve as an alternative to—or in addition to—preselected confidence levels for hypothesis testing.

How do you do a convergence test? ›

Comparison Test

If an≤bn for all n≥N and ∑∞n=1bn converges, then ∑∞n=1an converges. Typically used for a series similar to a geometric or p-series. It can sometimes be difficult to find an appropriate series. If an≥bn for all n≥N and ∑∞n=1bn diverges, then ∑∞n=1an diverges.

What is a good convergence tolerance? ›

It is recommended that, to achieve energy and species balance, the scaled energy residual decrease to a recommended convergence tolerance of 10 6, while the scaled scalar species may need to decrease only to a convergence tolerance of 10 5.

What is normal convergence of sequence? ›

Normal convergence implies norm-topology convergence if and only if the space of functions under consideration is complete with respect to the uniform norm. (The converse does not hold even for complete function spaces: for example, consider the harmonic series as a sequence of constant functions).

What is normal near point of convergence during the VOMS assessment? ›

Optometrists suggest that normal NPC is between 8 cm and 10 cm, which calls into question the 5-cm NPC threshold used in the VOMS.

What is the score for convergence insufficiency symptom survey? ›

For Children (< age 21) total score = 16 or higher is suggestive of convergence insufficiency. For Adults total score = 21 or higher is suggestive of convergence insufficiency.

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